Jodo Exams

Content exams

Jodo ikkyu

  • ZNKR-kata 1 up to 5 (alleen de jo-kant)

Jodo shodan

  • ZNKR-kata 1 up to 5 (tachi en jo)
  • Written exam

Jodo nidan

  • ZNKR-kata 2 up to 6 (tachi en jo)
  • Written exam

Jodo sandan

  • ZNKR-kata 5 up to 9 (tachi en jo)
  • Written exam

Jodo yondan

  • ZNKR-kata 7 up to 11 (tachi en jo)
  • Written exam

Jodo godan

  • ZNKR-kata 8 up to 12 (tachi en jo)
  • Written exam

Jodo rokudan en hoger

  • ZNKR-kata 10, 11, 12 and three koryu-kata (tachi en jo)
  • Written exam

Examiners may not always work with the partner of choice, if so the difference in the degree may not be more than 2 higher.
Will be more common that the exams are taken according to the rotation system, your fellow candidates are then your tachi after their jodo performance.
If the number of examinees is odd someone will be ‘borrowed’ according to the criteria mentioned above, and starting with the tachi side.

assessment criteria

Jodo ikkyu t/m sandan

  1. Appropriate chakuso (way of dressing) and reiho (etiquette)
  2. Correct posture
  3. Datotsu (strokes and punches) in accordance with the basic principles
  4. Sufficient kisei (spirit)

Jodo yondan – godan

  1. The following points in addition to those for shodan to sandan:
  2. Ability to use ma (time/space), ma-ai (combat distance) and angles/directions
  3. Skill in use of sword/jo
  4. Ki-jo-tai-ichi (mind, jo and body in harmony)

Jodo rokudan – hachidan
In addition to the points through godan, the following points are assessed in the jitsugi (practical exams) for rokudan through hachidan.
The final verdict is determined on the basis of the whole.

  1. Riai (logic, rational execution)
  2. Participant’s own distinctive style and dignity

Candidates from 1st Dan : don’t forget your yellow registration card!
Other information
age requirements and exam fees.; general NKR requirements