Kendo Agenda

Kendo - Iijima Cup 2023

Zaterdag 18 mrt 2023 10:30 - zondag 19 Mar 2023 16:30
It is nearly spring, so the Iijima cup is around the corner.
This year we have the tournament in a different location (USC Sportcentrum Amsterdam)

Saturday (Individual tournaments)
- 10:00 Shinai check
- 10:30 Opening ceremony
- Kyu Mixed
- Women (1st-dan and up)
- Men (1st-dan and up)


Sunday (Teams)
10:00 Shinai check
10:30 start
- Teams of 5 (you may add 2 extra players)
- If you need an additional player, or if you do not have a team -> let us know, we will make it work


You can also order lunches for 12eu per day.
3 half sandwiches + milk or orange juice

There is also a Sayonara BBQ dinner in the cafe on Saturday
Marinated chicken, smokey BBQ chicken, beef hamburger, and beef sausage for 25 euro.
There is also a vegan smokey experience (beyond burger and 2 beyond sausages) for 25 euro
Both are with buns, salads, fries and sauces.


USC Sportcentrum
Sience Park 306
1098 XH Amsterdam

Registration is closed

Kendo Iijima Cup 2023 - Teams Randomized


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Kendo Iijima Cup 2023 - Teams Randomized


Shiaijo A

Shiaijo B